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Monday, July 11, 2011

My (faux) Emmy Ballot: Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy

Alison Brie: Beautiful? Check. Hilarious? Check. Emmy worthy? You bet.
With the Emmy nominations being announced Thursday I thought I’d give my thoughts on who/what should be nominated in the major categories. Considering I watch more television than the majority of Emmy voters (who in their defense are busy making television) I’m actually more qualified than they are to decide who/what is deserving of recognition. For example they gave “The Wire,” considered by most critics one of the two best dramas of all time (“The Sopranos” being the other), only two nominations (& zero wins) in 5 seasons. That would never have happened had I been in charge.
Our first category will be Supporting Actress in a Comedy (For a look at a professional’s thoughts go here, & for my picks last year click here). Out of all the female categories this was the hardest to narrow down for while they’re may be a general lack of good lead roles for women comedically, be it on television or in film, there are a number of fine roles out there for women in complimentary roles & the women filling them are more than up to the task of making us all laugh (click on their names to see one of their highlights from this season).

· Julie Bowen (Claire Dunphy, “Modern Family)-I wasn’t as big a fan of “Modern Family” in its second season but that was not due to the continually great performance of Bowen (or, for that matter, any of the other actresses). Bowen has maybe the hardest job on the show playing the often shrill, disciplinarian of the Dunphy clan, & she does so well, reigning in the character enough that the audience identifies with her rather than vilifying her, & on the occasion where she gets to be funny she never fails. Luckily Emmy voters have taken notice of “Modern Family” & Bowen should get a second straight nomination in this category.
· Alison Brie (Annie Edison, “Community”)-Alison Brie is simply fantastic. She was a revelation in “Community’s” first season & got only better in its second. This season she chloroformed a janitor, threw a fit when her pens kept disappearing that eventually led to everyone being in their underwear, was part of a conspiracy that ended in a shootout, had an identity crisis while using a Texas accent, mimed sexually pleasuring a maiden while playing Dungeons & Dragons (see her video link), & was an old west gunslinger (see picture above). & that’s only the half of it. There’s no woman I’d rather see nominated in any category than Brie. Bonus points for also being in “Mad Men” & because I’m madly in love with her. Sadly Emmy voters are too ignorant to give her a nomination.
· Gillian Jacobs (Britta Perry, “Community”)-Britta is not one of my favorite “Community” characters, she can be insufferably self righteous & a bit of drag, to the show & Jacobs credit they have entirely embraced these qualities by having the other characters treat her badly, & mocking her PC-ness particularly when she befriends another woman simply because she, falsely, believes her to be a lesbian & when she has trouble telling Troy & Abed their new friend is a war criminal fearing they’ll think she’s even more of a kill joy. When you're able to make your character's unlikeable traits hilarious enough that they somehow become likable than you've done Emmy worthy work. If anyone from “Community” gets nominated I’ll be stunned.
· Aubrey Plaza (April Ludgate, “Parks and Recreation”)-No one has ever made me laugh from facial expression alone as Plaza, the sarcasm & disgust her eyes purvey is simply extraordinary. While she was fantastic last season this year April’s surprise marriage to Andy allowed her to show off even more range & the two proved to be the rare couple that became funnier post nuptials. Throw in Janet Snakehole & Plaza’s performance was easily one of the best comedic performances in any category. Sadly Plaza, & most of the “Parks & Rec” cast, are unlikely to receive recognition for their awesomness.
· Yvonne Strahvoski (Sarah Walker, “Chuck”)-Strahvoski doesn’t get to play the funniest character on this list (though her impression of Chuck flashing was brilliant) however she is easily the most kick-ass especially in “Chuck vs. Phase Three” & her chemistry with star Zachary Levi continues to make Chuck & Sarah one of the great TV romances. Sadly the Emmys haven’t noticed anyone from “Chuck” in its previous 3 seasons & are unlikely to now.
· Sofia Vergara (Gloria Delgado-Pritchett, “Modern Family”)-Unlike Bowen, Vergara’s Gloria gets to constantly be funny & Vergara is a comedic force in the role. Her accent alone provides many a hilarious moment & when she attempts to speak without it in “Halloween” it’s only funnier. Throw in her fear of being kidnapped while riding a bicycle & joy at the idea of Cam & Mitchell dying so that she can have baby Lilly & it was one hell of a season for Vergara. If voters don’t get sucked in to voting for Betty White & realize that the episodes of “Glee” without Sue Sylvester (Jane Lynch) were better there’s a distinct chance Vergara could win.
Honorable Mention: Jane Adams continues to do fine work as an exasperated pimp in "Hung;" last year I said I would always give Jenna Fischer a nomination for her "Office" work but the show let her down this season; Rashida Jones is a fine straight woman on "Parks and Rec" & hilarious when given the chance; Heather Morris was one of the few highlights on "Glee" this season as she was allowed to expand Brittany beyond silly one liners & dancing; Yvette Nicole Brown was very good playing Shirley's pregnancy troubles in "Community;" Kaitlin Olson did hilarious work with her own pregnancy issues, as well as work as a substitute teacher, on "It's Always Sunny;" the return of Amy Ryan's Holly helped revitalize "The Office" in its second half; & Cobie Smulders continues to do good work on "How I Met Your Mother."

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