As previously mentioned the Joeys feature 6 nominees (nominees also up for the Emmy are italicized) & I will also predict the winner of each category for the Emmys. Without further ado...
Ty Burrell (Phil Dunphy, "Modern Family")-some people have criticized Burrell's Phil Dunphy as Michael Scott as a father, my response-what's wrong with that? Michael Scott is hilarious & so is Phil Dunphy, though to be fair as childish as Phil is he has a slightly better grip on reality than Michael & he's never nearly as offensive. & that's why Burrell get's major points from me, he's not allowed to be quite as unhinged as Steve Carell yet he manages to draw just as many laughs.
Glen Howerton (Dennis, "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia")-Charlie Day as Charlie generally gets the most credit for the many laughs on Always Sunny, however, as much as I love Charlie, I find Howerton's mildly more intelligent Dennis to be the best of the show's ensemble. His character's self-centeredness, and belief that he's far more intelligent than he is (due to the stupidity of those around him) never fails to make me laugh. He also gets a boost for reminding me of my good friend Jamie Becwar.
Nick Offerman (Ron Swanson, "Parks & Recreation") -Offerman's Ron Swanson is one of the great comedic creations of the last few years. He is extremely prejudiced of government, despite being the head of the Pawnee, Indiana Parks & Rec department. He's had 2 failed marriages with women named Tammy, & yes, his mother's name was Tammy. Of course all of that is just good writing, but Offerman only enhances the character with his brilliant mustache, slapstick talent, odd talents, & ability to convey Ron's overwhelming hatred for human interaction.
Chris Pratt (Andy, "Parks & Recreation")-In the 1st season of Parks Andy was a complete loser who seem rather expendable to the show. In season 2 Andy proved that, while he may not be the brightest resident of Pawnee, he is a rather sweet, occasionally dependable guy who is also a talented musician in the brilliantly named band, Mouse Rat. & Pratt deserves all the credit in the world for that change, though I'd have nominated him just for the scene when he interrogates a teenage vandal while claiming he's "Burt Macklin, FBI!"
Danny Pudi (Abed, "Community")-Pudi's Abed was hands down the funniest character on the very funny "Community". His dead pan delivery of his character's many pop culture references never missed the mark, & his Christian Bale Batman impersonation in the Halloween episode belongs in the comedy hall of fame.
Eric Stonestreet (Cameron, "Modern Family")-Stonestreet nailed his role by making Cameron's vibrant homosexuality absolutely hilarious without ever falling too far into cliche (take a note Glee writers). & he was equally adept at showing Cameron to be a caring father & spouse.
& the Joey goes to... Nick Offerman! You can't beat the stache!
Emmy Prediction: Neil Patrick Harris. I think the "Modern Family" guys will split the vote letting NPH win. O well Stonestreet won, I was wrong (I'm just glad Jon Cryer didn't win again).
Honorable Mention: Aziz Ansari (Tom, "Parks & Recreation"), Charlie Day (Charlie, "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia"), Dule Hill (Gus, "Psych), John Krasinski (Jim, "The Office).
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