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Thursday, May 26, 2011

"The Hangover Part II" Review

“The Hangover Part II” has more laugh out loud moments than any movie so far this year, but that hardly makes it a comedy classic or even the original.*

*I don’t consider the original “Hangover” to be an all-time great comedy. It’s very funny to be sure, but ultimately it’s a bit uneven, especially towards the end. As far as 2009 comedies go I easily preferred the Paul Rudd/Jason Segal vehicle “I Love You, Man.”

The biggest problem with part two is that it completely lacks originality, one of the qualities that made the original so much fun. This isn’t overly surprising as the writers of the original have been replaced here with one of the writers of “Scary Movie 4” & “Superhero Movie” & the other two haven’t penned a decent script since “Old School” in 2003. These three titans of comedy lack creativity to such a degree that the only major shifts they make are moving the festivities to Thailand, giving us a flashback that pointlessly uses 12-year-olds in place of our leads because, you know, seeing middle schoolers drink heavily is hilarious, & upping the raunch to such a degree that instead of laughing I was stuck cringing in my seat. The rest of the movie remains largely the same,** telegraphing where many of the jokes are going, and robbing the viewer of the surprises that made the first so much fun.***

**In place of a tiger we get a monkey this time, & though slightly overused, the monkey provides a couple of the funniest scenes.

***If, like me, you fail to realize where the lost member of their group (this time Stu’s soon to be brother-in-law Teddy) is within the first half hour you’ll feel like a complete idiot when it’s revealed.

The character choices the new installment makes are also largely disappointing. While Phil (Bradley Cooper) is exactly the same, Stu’s (Ed Helms) impending marriage to Lauren (Jamie Chung) is never explored. How did they meet? What caused the stunning Lauren to fall for average guy Stu? Besides looks why does Stu love Lauren? I understand the original didn’t explore the bride/groom relationship either, but in that movie it wasn’t one of the three leads getting married & the couple wasn’t so obviously mismatched. It doesn’t help that instead of sending Doug (the always amusing Justin Bartha) along for the ride to add a new character dynamic the sequel opts for more Chow (Ken Jeong), the mildly amusing Asian gangster from the first film. Not to mention Paul Giamatti is almost completely wasted in his cameo. The biggest problem of all though is that Alan (Zach Galifianakis) goes from eccentric but loveable to downright unlikeable for much of the movie. Half way through the film you wonder why the other members of the “wolfpack” continue to put up with this insufferable idiot (It’s a testament to Galifianakis that he’s still able to wring many of the movie's bigger laughs out of his already tired character) & the movie is resolved on a completely contrived note that rings entirely false.

“The Hangover Part II” will make you laugh, but you know what else will? “The Hangover.” So do yourself a favor & pop the original in your DVD player instead of spending $10 to watch an uninspired version of the same movie.



  1. Whats wrong with Ken Jeong? I think that was the best Chang they made in the entire movie.
