
Welcome to Joe's Junk, a blog about my, hopefully not completely random, thoughts on sports, entertainment, & politics.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Why Trump's Reelection Odds are Lower than You Think

Will Trump still reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in 4 months? I have my doubts. Evan Vucci / Associated Press

On Tuesday, which marked six weeks till this year's federal elections, I asked on Facebook what people thought Trump's chances of reelection were. The feedback was not overwhelming (Only four people answered, including a text exchange) but the most common response was that Trump is a moderate underdog with the Supreme Court opening & the potential for poor debate performances by Biden leaving the door open for this to turn into a toss-up. The one dissenting opinion had Trump as a solid favorite, citing incumbent advantage (four of the last five have won), a strong pre-COVID economy, & lack of excitement around Biden. 

All of the answers had some solid reasoning behind them, but I wasn't surprised to find that they all gave Trump better odds than I do (I'd put him at around 25%). At the risk of being proven a fool in six weeks, here are my thoughts on why it's unlikely:*

*A quick note: References to current polling/odds are often linked to FiveThirtyEight, or The Economist, whose polling & election models are constantly updating, thus numbers may have changed slightly since I posted this. 

Sunday, September 13, 2020

2020 NFL Preview

 A couple of months ago I wasn't sure we'd have an NFL season, a month ago I doubted we'd finish the season, but thus far the NFL's robust testing program has kept things running smoothly &, after some early stumbles, MLB also seems to be going well so *fingers crossed, knock on wood, say the Rosary, etc.* we might actually get a full season of the NFL! With that in mind here are my annual - & seemingly always late - predictions which will hopefully have the accuracy of Drew Brees on the football field & not Drew Brees reading the room. 

Four of these guys will be in the playoffs, you can probably guess which four. ESPN

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

A Look at Ten Recent Streaming Movies

 (Clockwise from top) The Old Guard, Bad Education, Eurovision, & Greyhound. Netflix; HBO; Netflix; Apple

With movie theaters continuing to be closed there's never been a time where streaming has been more dominant as the way we consume movies, especially new ones. With that in mind I've watched ten movies that debuted on streaming platforms over the last three months, one by an Oscar winning director, others by first timers, some starring bonafide movie stars, others relative unknowns, to help guide you on which ones you might want to check out. There is one glaring omission, Hulu's by all accounts fantastic Palm Springs, which I haven't seen yet, but there's still plenty of others to recommend. Without further ado...

Monday, May 25, 2020

24 Shows You Can Watch in 24 Hours

Undone, The People v. O.J. Simpson, & The Terror. Amazon Studios; FX; AMC

There are so many good shows to stream these days that it's impossible to watch them all, especially when some of them run for dozens, or even hundreds, of episodes. This is all the more true if you're someone who enjoys the comfort of rewatching old favorites. Thus shorter running shows can be a godsend, allowing you to experience a great story in a limited amount of time. With that in mind here are twenty-four* shows that run for less than twelve hours each, meaning you can knock them out in one day if you're motivated or over a few days more casually.

*Two of the shows are anthology series, but I'm only counting their first seasons which are entirely unrelated from their second. 

For each show I've included a description of the plot, shows/movies that are similar in tone, visuals, and/or subject matter, as well as who's in it. You can also click on a show's title to see a trailer for its first season. 

There are six shows each from the main streamers (Netflix, Hulu, & Amazon), three from HBO, & one each from Apple TV+, CBS All Access, & Disney+, to ensure you'll have something to check out no matter what services you have. 

Saturday, April 11, 2020

The Matz Brothers Present: The 10 Best Basic Cable Shows of the 2010s

This is the second installment of my brother Sam's & my best TV shows of the decade (You can read the first, which covers network shows, here). This time we're looking at the ten best shows that aired on basic cable, those shows that still had to deal with the burden of commercials but could get away with a little more adult content than their network (NBC, CBS, etc.) brethren.

A brief reminder on how we compiled the lists:
  • There will be four top 10 lists (network, basic cable, premium cable, streaming) and then a final, top 50, list that combines the previous four, plus ten shows that didn't quite make the first four. If you want to know more about why we chose to break it down this way read the first installment. 
  • Any show that aired in the 2010s is eligible, regardless of when it started, but only seasons that occurred during the decade are considered -- for example The Office could've make the network TV list, but its first five seasons didn't count so it didn't come close. 
  • To create the lists Sam & I individually compiled our own top 20 for each category & then combined them, with a first place selection worth 20 points, second worth 19, & so forth. The scores of our top 10 are listed to give you an idea of which shows elevated themselves above the pack & which ones we might order differently on any given day. In the event of a tie I ultimately broke it, though not always in favor of my bracket. 
  • We also list each show's best character, season, & episode, as well as where you can stream it, because we're thorough like that. While we discussed these, the person who wrote about a show made the final call on these categories. 
And don't worry, we avoided any major spoilers because if you haven't seen any of these shows we'd love for you to watch them.

Monday, February 10, 2020

The Matz Brothers Present: The 10 Best Network Shows of the 2010s

It's been a little over a month since the 2010's ended which has given myself and my brother, Sam, time to catch up on a few things & organize our thoughts on the best TV & film of the last decade. 

To fully explore the breadth of what the decade had to offer though we didn't merely want to throw together one long list of things we liked (Though there will be two long lists!) because our tastes might sway the whole thing too far in one direction or another. For example we might end up with a list of movies filled with dramedies & only a few action or horror films, which would be a shame because there were some amazing genre films last decade. So we've decided to break down television & film into distinct categories to create a list of top 10s before combining those into our definitive top 50 (And yes, we counted shows that started before 2010 -- though only their seasons that aired in the decade -- because, with all due respect to Sam Esmail, it's fucking dumb not to. The alternative is Breaking Bad & Parks & Rec never making/being near the top of a decade list & that's just dumb). First up we've got the best of network television, if you want to know more about our process -- like why that's a category -- read the next two paragraphs, if not you can skip down to the list. 

With film we divided primarily along genre lines: action, comedy, drama, etc., but we decided to try something different with TV. Rather than do the simple drama/comedy divide that most awards bodies do we opted to break them down by where the shows aired, in that way recognizing the different restrictions they work under & the different ways we consume them. So our four categories are Network (ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, & the CW) which all deal with commercials & content restrictions, Basic Cable (AMC, FX, etc.) which has commercials but fewer restrictions, Premium Cable, (HBO, Showtime, etc.) which has neither commercials or content restrictions, & Streaming (Amazon, Netflix, Hulu) which takes lack of restrictions even further with varying run times & the ability to immediately binge all the episodes (save Hulu, which stuck to the weekly model). We think this makes sense because while Parks and Recreation and VEEP are both hilarious comedies half of the dialogue of the latter would be bleeped out if it aired on NBC, which is why we want to initially judge programs against those playing by the same rules before throwing them all into one top-50 batch.

Now that top-50 will include all forty shows that make up the various top 10 lists, plus 10 that narrowly missed out. And we came to our top 10 lists by individually compiling a top 20 for each category & then combining them with a first place worth 20 points, second worth 19, & so forth. I'll be posting those scores to give you an idea of which shows elevated themselves above the pack & which ones we might order differently on any given day. In addition we'll also be giving you each show's best character, season, & episode, because we're thorough like that. Alright, let's get to it.

Oh, & don't worry, we avoided any major spoilers because if you haven't seen any of these shows we'd love for you to watch them. To quote a tiger I know, they're great!