Question: Does Barack Obama deserve four more years?
Answer: YES. |
I am a registered Republican. I grew up in a Republican household. Of my five favorite presidents three were Republicans & only one was a Democrat.* When I lived in New Zealand from 2002 to 2004 my friends & I would get into political debates with them pushing a moderate socialist view & myself always defending American capitalism. They, along with most of the world, would attack George W. Bush while I defended him (though I admitted some of his faults & was fond of telling them that the senator from my home state of Arizona, John McCain, should have been president). Yet four years after I returned home McCain had a chance** to become president & I voted against him. On facebook
my endorsement of Obama lead to surprised responses ranging from "really?" to "what the fuck joe." So why did I do it? Why did I turn my back on McCain, my party, & my old politics? Why did I vote for Barack Obama?